This handsome chap, left, is Jimmy who we are fostering at present. He comes from the same rescue organization in Tennessee that Puga comes from. He's friendly and very affectionate. Sometimes his presence is a little too much for our smaller dogs but he generally means well.
I've recently been appreciating more than ever the music from Handel's oratorio "Solomon". In addition to the wonderful chorus From the censer curling rise (the piece which has the fun bassoon part which earned yours truly a compliment from the Lord Major of London, Sir Gilbert Inglefield, 43 years ago), there is a wealth of marvelous music. The poetry of the libretto is so good that it is hard to believe that we aren't 100% sure who wrote it. It's generally held to be by Newburgh Hamilton who wrote several of Handel's other libretti. Take this verse of Solomon's for instance which is beautifully set by the composer:
That drink the morning dew,
Did I not own Jehovah's pow'r,
How vain were all I knew.
Isn't the grammar just great? Whether this is a present or past subjunctive, I'm not quite sure. But it fits so perfectly. Incidentally, it drives me nuts that most people (especially on this side of the pond) don't know how to form a conditional and pluperfect subjunctive. For instance I hear sort of thing all time this: if I would have looked down the street, I would not be here in this hospital (instead of: if I had looked down the street, etc.).
Here's another very poetic aria, again sung by Solomon who must have had quite a generous libido (he had 700 wives and 300 concubines) as he suggests to his queen that they go out for a little alfresco tête à tête*:
Where fragrant spices bloom,
And am'rous turtles love,
Beneath the pleasing gloom.
While tinkling down the hill,
Avoiding hateful day,
The little murm'ring rill
In whispers glides away.
* it's also quite possible that in this section he is suggesting to the Queen that they travel to Lebanon for a little vacation -- but in that case, why the hurry?
Horse chestnut arguably because the leaf scar looks like a horse's hoof (with horseshoe nails) - but more likely, as with horseradish or a horse laugh, implying coarseness. In the case of the chestnut, this is by comparison with the edible chestnut, castanea sativa.