Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Messenger

February 4th is a special day to be born, apparently. Kim was born on that day and so too was my niece, Mia. They both have such sunny dispositions. Something to do with Groundhog day being two days earlier perhaps. My maternal grandfather was also born that day -- by all accounts another cheerful soul. Other famous people born that day include Charles Lindbergh and Rosa Parks.

Mia is seven and is a wonderfully happy, sophisticated and intelligent young lady. When we were in France, the houses that we were living in were separated by about 400' and if there was a message to be delivered, Mia would literally run down the street and up the dozen or so stone steps. Never did she tire of this.

We took as a gift the European edition of Ticket to Ride, a board game involving developing railroad routes, a little bit similar to Monopoly. Having won her only two monopoly games, she was ready to try TTR. Naturally she won. "This is such a great game," she exclaimed, "I'm going to throw Monopoly out". We suggested she might want to keep Monopoly regardless. Next day, she failed to win TTR and of course now, Monopoly was back "in". But she really puts everything into these games, and all other activities. She draws well and thus keeps herself busy for hours on end.

We knew that Mia would enjoy seeing around the Château d'Ussé, which supposedly inspired the story of Sleeping Beauty (La Belle au bois dormant). Here she is peeking in the dining room window.

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