Monday, June 7, 2010

Short and sweet

Our shortest foster dog project was completed in slightly over a week.  Kim collected Osito (little bear) from Great Dog Rescue after his two day quarantine at noon on Friday, May 28th and his new family picked him up from us on Friday June 4th.  I didn't get much in the way of photos of him, but this is perhaps the best one (right).  His face is a bit of a mess, and still healing, after some problems before we got him.

He's a very exuberant, cheerful dog.  Loves to go out (destination immaterial), especially if it involves a ride in the car with the back windows half-way down.  Nobody knows for sure how old he is but he behaves like a puppy so is probably around two years old, or something like that.  He's gone to a very nice family in Stoneham, first time dog owners, but they seem to have done their homework and know what they're getting into.

Meanwhile, after six and a half weeks, oil is still gushing, though possibly at a slower rate, from the hole in the bottom of the gulf of Mexico.  Are you as surprised as I am that these deep-water oil projects were authorized with no credible plan for how to fix it if things went awry?  Is that because the laws in international waters are lax?  Or, as I suspect, the oil companies have paid off the key decision makers along the way?  After all, the only casualties are a few seabirds and some fisherman from states that don't have a lot of political significance.  There's an excellent interactive map that shows the extent of the oil at the NY Times web site.

In the world-wide bridge game on Friday (anyone can enter), the good news was that we managed to beat 2783 other pairs.  The bad news was that 1954 pairs beat us.   In other words, we didn't distinguish ourselves.

Pixie (Madison) is still with us.  She is really beginning to fit into the family ways: for example she's more interested in walking in the woods.  She still barks at strangers but she quickly gets used to them.  When Miranda was here for the weekend (she was an attendee at one wedding and a bridesmaid at another), Pixie became very friendly with her.  I've tried to publicize her plight on the Carlisle internet bulletin board, but so far, nothing.

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